Browse categories of Thermostatic (point of use) SinkMixer™ TubMixer™ (high flow) TubMixer™ (high flow) w/ gauge Accessories ASSE 1070, CSA B125.70 anti-scald mixing valves for plumbing applications. SinkMixer™ SinkMixer™, 4-port scald protection point-of-use mixing valve SinkMixer™, 3-port scald protection point-of-use mixing valve TubMixer™ (high flow) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (compression) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (PEX) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (NPT) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (sweat) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (press) Expand TubMixer™ (high flow) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (compression) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (NPT) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (press) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (PEX) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (sweat) w/ gauge Expand Accessories SinkMixer™ , Replacement check valve and filter kit SinkMixer™ 5-pack plug ut fitting kit
SinkMixer™ SinkMixer™, 4-port scald protection point-of-use mixing valve SinkMixer™, 3-port scald protection point-of-use mixing valve
TubMixer™ (high flow) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (compression) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (PEX) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (NPT) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (sweat) TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (press) Expand
TubMixer™ (high flow) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (compression) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (NPT) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (press) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (PEX) w/ gauge TubMixer™, Adjustable thermostatic high-flow point-of use mixing valve (sweat) w/ gauge Expand
Accessories SinkMixer™ , Replacement check valve and filter kit SinkMixer™ 5-pack plug ut fitting kit