WORLD WATER DAY 2017, 22 March


The first World Water day was held in 1993, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly. It is coordinated by an entity called UN - Water, and each year, special attention is drawn to a specific theme related to freshwater.

This year's theme is “Wastewater“


A large percentage of the wastewater produced in our homes, cities and in industrial plants simply flows back to nature, without any attempt of reuse. Most of us are not aware of the fact that wastewater has a huge potential to be converted into a useful resource, instead of just being a pollutant. When recycled, according to the degree of the obtained cleanliness, it can be used for irrigation of public green spaces, in cooling systems of manufacturing or industrial plants, in agriculture, and so on.

Environment protection and eco-awareness are Caleffi priorities when it comes to designing new products and the realization of various projects, especially when it comes to water, a medium of foremost importance for the entire HVAC industry. Two of the products from our range that simply must be mentioned when saving water and the prevention of its pollution are discussed: pressure reducing valves and backflow prevention devices.

Pressure reducing valves are devices that reduce and stabilize the high and variable pressure of the water coming from the public water system into domestic ones. These valves come in various versions (inclined, straight, with filters, for high temperatures) and they ensure extremely low noise levels while operating.  A stable lower pressure means less unnecessary loss of clean water, which benefits not only our environment, but your budget, as well.

Backflow preventers are hydraulic protection devices designed to prevent polluted water from flowing back into the mains supply network. This type of backflow may occur when the pressure in the mains supply network changes and causes a reversal of the flow. To avoid potential ecological accidents and health hazards of this kind, as regulated by the European standards EN 1717 and EN 12729, backflow prevention devices must be installed between the public water supply network and internal consumer circuit to prevent the water in the two circuits from coming into contact.


Water is the source of life. Without it, there is no life on Earth.
Let's use it wisely and protect it!