Browse categories of Fittings Fittings with threaded connections 23 p. 1.5 Fittings with standard threaded connections Fittings with threaded connections 23 p. 1.5 DARCAL, Fitting for multilayer plastic pipe for continuous high temperature use. DARCAL, Self-adjustable diameter fitting for single and multilayer plastic pipes. DARCAL, Self-adjustable diameter fitting for single and multilayer plastic pipes. Pre-assembled compression ends fitting, for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes. Compression ends fitting for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes. Expand Fittings with standard threaded connections DARCAL, Fitting for multilayer pipes with continuous high temperature use. DARCAL, Self-adjustable diameter fitting for single and multilayer plastic pipes. Self-adjustable diameter fitting for plastic pipes. Compression ends fitting for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes. DARCAL, Compression ends fitting for multilayer pipe with fitting M-F. Expand
Fittings with threaded connections 23 p. 1.5 DARCAL, Fitting for multilayer plastic pipe for continuous high temperature use. DARCAL, Self-adjustable diameter fitting for single and multilayer plastic pipes. DARCAL, Self-adjustable diameter fitting for single and multilayer plastic pipes. Pre-assembled compression ends fitting, for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes. Compression ends fitting for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes. Expand
Pre-assembled compression ends fitting, for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes.
Compression ends fitting for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes.
Fittings with standard threaded connections DARCAL, Fitting for multilayer pipes with continuous high temperature use. DARCAL, Self-adjustable diameter fitting for single and multilayer plastic pipes. Self-adjustable diameter fitting for plastic pipes. Compression ends fitting for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes. DARCAL, Compression ends fitting for multilayer pipe with fitting M-F. Expand
Compression ends fitting for annealed copper, hard copper, brass, mild steel and stainless steel pipes.