C+ InfoMobil - Caleffi EXPERIENCE

C+ InfoMobil ready to go


What is it? A truck that takes our staff on a roadshow through the Balkans and the countries of the East-Central Europe. Last edition we drove 55.00 kms, met 20.000 people and crossed 11 countries with 11 different cultures and languages.

We’ll reach our customers and prospects on 4 wheels, we'll meet HVAC technicians and professionals to introduce them to our products and show them our solutions, to talk about heating and cooling systems. A high-tech truck with touchscreens, demo panels, real cut-away samples and digital information.

By the way, come and we challenge you at our C+ GAME: are you sure you know where to install all the products to solve the problems in the system? C+ InfoMobil is ready to start its engines. Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CaleffiHR, https://www.facebook.com/CaleffiCZ, https://www.facebook.com/CaleffiSL, https://www.facebook.com/CaleffiRS) and on Twitter [https://twitter.com/C_InfoMobil ].

We’ll try to tell you a nice HVAC story.