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Renovating heating systems


Most centralised systems with radiators with riser distribution operate with excessive flow rates on the lower floors and insufficient flow rates on the upper floors of the building; as well as physiological ill-being, this situation causes significant increases in thermal dispersion.

Balancing such circuits correctly is now an indispensable requirement because it optimises thermal comfort and minimises energy wastage. In addition, the regulations require the use of temperature control and heat metering systems. In this type of system, this means installing valves with thermostatic controls and heat splitters. The thermal balance obtained by installing thermostatic valves can very often be accompanied by a hydraulic unbalance generated at the same time so, to try to resolve such problems, the distribution system needs to be adapted by introducing variable-speed electronic pumps and differential pressure regulators.

Variable-speed pumps act at HVAC plant room level and are capable of limiting (by increasing or reducing their rotation speed) the pressure difference that makes the fluid circulate in the system. By contrast, differential pressure regulators act along the distribution network and are capable of limiting (by increasing or reducing their pressure drops) the pressure differences at the ends of the peripheral circuits that serve the terminals: e.g. at the bases of the risers or at the connections of the zone branches.

Finally, using pre-settable rather than traditional thermostatic valves is extremely important in balancing heating system circuits as each heat emitter can be given the correct flow rate and the right quantity of heat is obtained. This performance cannot be obtained with normal valves as they often cause flow rates that are too high in some heat emitters and too low in others, leading to temperatures that are too high or too low in different rooms.