How Water Behaves in Hydronic Systems (Part II)
September 11, 2017

How Water Behaves in Hydronic Systems (Part II)

by Mark Olson, CEO of Caleffi North America, Inc.
     as featured in HPAC Magazine
     August 2017 

Two common problems resulting from poor water quality are excessive corrosion and limescale accumulation. In Part I (HPAC, February 2017) we examined corrosion. The following is a closer look at limescale accumulation.

In North America the dissolved mineral content from municipal water sources and private wells is often limited to hardness – the primary ingredient in limescale. Other potentially harmful minerals are held in check by safe drinking water regulation and oversight in the case of municipal water, and the absence of contaminant sources such as agricultural runoff or de-icing salts in the case of private wells.

Though people often associate problematic hard water with only well water sources, municipal water can be problematic too. For example, about half of all water sources in the U.S. have hardness levels of seven grains or more. Such values can be unhealthy for hydronic systems.

Read the full article as featured in HPAC.

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