CMPX 2016

CMPX 2016


Metro Toronto Convention Centre
(Toronto, Canada)
March 16-18, 2016
Booths 825/827

Registration Details



Be sure to connect @CMPX 2016 and catch Bob "Hot Rod" Rohr at this free event:

Fluid Quality for Healthy Hydronics
Learning Forum Theatre 
Thursday, March 17, 2016 2:30pm - 3:30pm

The fluid you choose, treat and monitor becomes the lifeblood of the hydronic systems you install and maintain. The fluid determines the performance and life expectancy of the heating or cooling appliance, as well as the many pumps, valves, components, and wetted surfaces.

Join Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr as he looks to explore tips and tools to ensure that your installations start off on the right foot – or fluid! 

If your job entails cleaning, filling, purging, finding or installing top quality water or transfer fluids, or if it should, this complimentary opportunity to explore ideas and options is definitely for you. 

Bob “Hot Rod” Rohr has been a plumbing, radiant heat and solar contractor and installer for 30 years. A long-time columnist and trainer, and the hydronic specialist columnist at Mechanical Business Magazine, he is the manager of training and education with Caleffi North America.