Coffee with Caleffi:  Magnetic Separation in Commercial Hydronic Systems

Magnetic Separation Addressed in Webinar Series


Mark Olson, Caleffi GM, takes an in-depth look at iron oxides, a special type of debris that forms to some degree or another in all hydronic systems on Thursday, May 21 at 12 noon CDT.  During the one-hour Coffee with Caleffi™ webinar, Magnetic Separation in Commercial Hydronic Systems, Olson will review the various causes of iron oxide formation, the problems that can occur if not addressed and solutions available for ridding and preventing them including a relatively new technology called magnetic dirt separation.

Olson has served as general manager since 2005.  He holds an MSE degree in Applied Mechanics from the University of Michigan.  His 30 years’ of experience includes engineering, sales and marketing management positions.

The one-hour educational webinars are free and are intended for contractors, designers and wholesalers.  Why not join us by registering today?

CALEFFI – Creating innovative, superior performance products that help customers live comfortably and economically, while softening their impact on the environment.