Kenneth Christison
November 13, 2017


I received a service call on a Calleffi pump station with an iSolar Plus controller that as in error state. I found a blown can fuse. I replaced the fuse and it blew again immediately. I tried to turn the pump manually, with a large screwdriver, and was not able to move it. My supplier and I discussed the situation and decided to try a new Grunfos replacement for the Wilo original pump. I have replaced the pump and re-wired everything. The wires at the old pump showed obvious signs of heat damage so I cut them back a few inches to find good, normal looking conductor wire and insulation. After re-assembling everything I installed a new can fuse and plugged the pump connected the power cord to the receptacle. The controller shows no sign of power on the screen and the can fuse does not blow.Tthere is 120V power at the receptacle. Is the controller blown or is there a reset procedure?

I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me to resolve this problem!

Best regards,
Ken Christison